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Lesson 1 - 2
1. Linear equations in two unknowns 二次聯立方程
Concept of Linear Equations in Two Unknowns
二元一次方程簡介 -
Graphical Method以圖解法解二元一次聯立方程
Algebraic Methods - Method of Substitution and Method of Elimination
以代入消元法或加減消元法解二元一次聯立方程 -
Some special linear equations特殊解
Practical Problems文字題
2. Introduction to Coordinates 直角坐標系統
Transformations of Points on the Coordinate Plane
坐標平面上點的變換 -
Polar coordinate system極坐標
Slope and Inclination 斜率和傾角
Parallel and Perpendicular lines平行線和垂直線
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